Navigating the Patent Database Maze: A Strategic Approach to Informed Selection


A leading multinational technology company recognized the need to upgrade and renew its patent database to support its IP strategy and innovation efforts. While the company understood the importance of selecting the correct database, the complexity of the decision-making process often led them to make suboptimal choices, influenced by factors that didn't align with their core needs.

Diagnose: Addressing the Challenges in Patent Database Selection

The pharmaceutical company faced significant challenges in selecting a patent database that indeed met their needs:

  • Complex Decision-Making: Although the company knew what it needed, external influences, such as recommendations or relationships, often swayed the selection process, leading it to make choices that did not fully address its requirements.
  • Misalignment of Priorities: Clients often focused on specific features, like the legal status updates of a database, which may not have been their primary need, thereby overlooking the features that were most crucial to their operations.
  • Lack of Objective Evaluation: The company needed help objectively assessing which option best suited their needs without an unbiased evaluation of available databases.


The diagnosis revealed that the company needed a clear, impartial comparison of available patent databases, highlighting the features most relevant to their specific requirements.

Design: Creating an Objective Framework for Database Selection

To address these challenges, the company designed a robust framework to guide the selection of the most suitable patent database:

  • Parameterization and Grading: The first step converts subjective database features into objective parameters and assigns each a grading scale. This approach allowed for a structured comparison across different databases.
  • Client-Centric Weighting: Understanding the client's unique needs was crucial. For example, if the company needed a stronger focus on the Chinese market, the framework assigned more significant weight to databases excelling in that area.
  • Comprehensive Evaluation: The company evaluated each database based on the defined parameters and assigned scores to reflect their strengths and weaknesses. This method ensured that the final recommendation aligned with the company's priorities.

Deploy: Implementing the Evaluation Framework

The deployment phase involved applying the designed framework to a shortlist of patent databases:

  • Data Collection and Scoring: The company gathered detailed information on each parameter from the shortlisted databases and assigned scores based on this data.
  • Benchmarking and Reporting: They compiled the results into a benchmark report that ranked the databases, highlighting each option's most vital and weakest parameters. This report gave the company a clear, data-driven comparison to inform their decision-making.

Impact: Empowering Strategic Patent Database Selection

The implementation of the evaluation framework significantly impacted the company's ability to select the correct patent database:

  • Informed Decision-Making: The company could now choose a database that best suited its needs, fully understanding each option's strengths and weaknesses.
  • Cost Optimization: With this clear comparison, the company could negotiate better deals with providers, achieving a 30% cost reduction without compromising functionality.
  • Enhanced IP Strategy: The company strengthened its IP management by selecting a database more closely aligned with its primary market geographies. This enabled better monitoring, supported growth, and ensured robust protection of its innovations.


Creating and deploying an objective evaluation framework transformed the company's approach to selecting a patent database. By focusing on the parameters that mattered most, the company made a strategic choice that enhanced its IP management and supported its long-term innovation goals. This process streamlined its decision-making and allowed it to effectively negotiate and optimize its resources.

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